Monday 27 February 2012

Healthy Weight Loss

The weight I am right now is just about a healthy weight, but lately I've been eating a bit too much junk food, and have just gone up by a few more pounds than I would like to be. Of course, the second I decide that I'll lose a few pounds, in a healthy way, my old habits begin creeping in, and suddenly I find myself teetering between full on relapse and just about holding it together. THIS is ridiculous isn't it? Lots of people lose weight in a totally healthy way for lots of different reasons, why do I feel like such a failure when I try and just stick to a diet plan?

This isn't really a post, I just really wanted to know if anybody had had a similar thing, and found a way of overcoming it without allowing the ED mindset to return? Diet plans? Calorie limitation? Anything like that?
Thank you!

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